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Poll: Quarantine Reviews

Yes, I have COVID-19 (I’m all right, y’all... miserable, but all right) and I am under quarantine, where my lovely husband and I are busy coughing, eating pie filling directly out of cans, and panickedly obsessing over the idea that our cats need several layers of first responders to come rescue them if we both pass out and can no longer cater to their every whim. And since I finally have nothing but time, I’m catching up on all of the Library projects I can during the periods when my fever feels like dropping below 102 and I stop hallucinating people who definitely don’t live here being in my kitchen. I’m focusing on things I already have in digital format because lifting physical objects feels like some sort of Everest-climbing achievement at the moment so if you’d like some input into the incoming reviews, now’s your moment. I have a survey and that survey will tell me what to do, and you, personally, can be the boss of me.

This survey will stay open indefinitely and I will look at it whenever I’m conscious. I will then experience and review things through

the haze and share my shreds of lucidity with you.


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